No Pressure
12/02/2015I started this blog four years ago with no particular reason or goal to achieve. I just remember sitting at home with the lights off and the desktop monitor glowing in front of me when the idea popped in my head. I want to have a blog. So, I did. I googled blogger and tinker my way in and was able to come up with my very first post entitled A Little Bit of Everything. That night, the thought of longevity never occurred to me. All I wanted was to make a blog and I did. Fortunately, fast forward to the present, I am still here blogging and now twenty years-old.
Also, I have been unconsciously documenting my transition from a high-school junior to a college student. I've written various thoughts, realizations, and learnings that I've encountered through the years. Many of which I have taken with me until now and some are just documented electronically through my blog. But, both types are all in the past. It has been written, learned, and treasured or even forgotten. Then, what about the future? What will life be like for a twenty year-old like me? What will I have to face as a part of the so-called millennial generation?
I have to face the truth.
The truth that a handful of people does not realize that occurs in millennials or even the millennials themselves is the pressure bubbling inside of them. This truth is the pressure to be successful, to be rich and known for their chosen lifestyle. This is also the pressure to travel the world, to be financially stable and fashionable. To top it all, all of which must be properly documented in their picture-perfect Instagram feeds.
Such is evidenced by many articles such as Huffington Post's Teenage Bucket List: 20 Things To Do Before You're 20! or Thought Catalog's 7 Ways to Achieve Your Goals in Life Faster. These kind of articles and posts always appear on my Facebook Timeline and to be honest, it kind of gets annoying as time goes on. Yet, I continue to read it from time to time. Why is that? Because, I also have that pressure inside of me. I want to achieve my #goals in life but more than that, I want to achieve it all in the right time.
Unfortunately, all of these #goals will never be achieved the way you initially planned it. All of these will occur in God's perfect time. I am not saying that we should not make goals. I even encourage it because it keeps us atop from everything else. It gives us a sense of direction but it should not be our only direction. So, do not be sad if you haven't been on a European trip by the age of 25 or you haven't been earning six-digit paychecks as of date. All of these will occur.
Trust me.
It's just that some has been experiencing your #goals sooner than expected but it doesn't mean that it will no longer happen to you just because you missed your target age. All of your #goals will come to life if you continue to live, work, and have fun. This is life we're talking about and not some game where we have to surpass each level by a given time. Life occurs in different ways in all of us. This is my life and that is yours. Never compare. Never be jealous. All of these will also be yours!