Take the Pill, the Happy Pill
6/21/2014As of press time, I still have sixteen questions left to answer in my Advanced Accounting class yet, unfortunately, I cannot answer them and I can feel the pressure hovering over my head so I decided to take a break and give myself some space. That was the time when I finally had the idea to write a blog post about HAPPINESS.
Yes, you heard me right. Every one of us wants to be happy but we often times can bring ourselves to be one. And that's when the happy pill comes in. A 'Happy Pill' is something or someone that can make you happy. It may sound simple but it can bring huge wonders (like enabling me to answer the rest of my homework...I hope.) Anyway, let me share with you my happy pills.
1. Good music + Great people
06.20.14. That was the night of the Kulasa Kick - Off Concert which was one of the many projects of this year's student council. Originally, I was not planning to go since the price of the ticket is a little bit pricey for me but since I am part of the school paper and I am given the assignment to cover it, I have no other choice but to attend.And it was definitely a great thing. The concert was amazing! It showcases a lot of Scholastican talents and most of all, the student council managed to bring Moonstar88 and Silent Sanctuary to play for the rest of the Scholastican crowd and once the bands go out, the entire Scholastican community went ballistic. Everyone was on their feet and every single person in the crowd is jumping and hollering.
It was a night to remember and what makes the night even special is I am with my friends and was able to meet new ones. I am still crossing my fingers for another concert for the Kulasas.
2. Droolworthy food + More Droolworthy foods
I and the rest of my family from my father's side went to Yakimix Alabang as a farewell party to my Aunt. It was a good thing that I only have classes in the morning that day because if not, I would probably be devastated since the food was to die for. I am a huge fan of Japanese cuisines and to be able to be inside the same room as numerous platters of sushi is like heaven to me and even though I was super bloated after eating, it was worth it. The delicious desserts was also worthy of every calorie that I gain that single night.Then, there was more food. My family from the mother side also had a celebration during Independence Day. It has been a tradition for us to hold a celebration during the said date since all of us have no work and no classes to attend to. We talked. A lot. Then, there was the food. And more food. I cannot reiterate even further how food is a central part of my and my family's lives.
3. Insane Cousins + Kooky Personalities
I consider myself as a lucky girl since I am close to my cousins from both of my mother and father side and I consider myself as luckier because for the past few weeks, I was able to hangout with them. My cousins are like my brother and sisters and we are all so close to each other that we can say our deepest darkest desire. Ehem, spin the bottle anyone??
I am just wishing for even more time for us to be with each other since all of us have busy lives and some of us live outside of the country now. All of us have more stories to tell and more secrets to share and I am definitely looking forward to be with them once again.
That marks the end of my discussion about the Happy Pill and particularly my personal happy pill. To mark my farewell for this blog post, I want to emphasize to you that being happy is simple. It is a personal choice and if you surround yourself with more happy people, you will be happy too. Step out of the four walls of your dark room and embrace the sunshine.