There's Always a Rainbow After the Rain
10/14/2013October 11, 2013.
I consider that day as one of the heaviest and most traumatic day of my life. It wasn't like any other day. It was different. We had two exams that day: Theology and Oblicon (which I have written about before) but what stressed me the most was our film for Oblicon. It was the editor of the film ran away with it. We got no text messages from him. We can't call him. He dropped out of the face of the earth. I was stressed, scared and angry all at the same time. I was so busy trying to reach him that I was not able to study for our Oblicon exam. The experience was traumatic and devastating but there's always a bright side to everything, right? Yes, there was a bright side to this dramatic day.Because of this experience, I saw who my true friends are. Well, I know they are my friends but it was a different moment when you let them see you break down. Yes, apparently, I broke down that day. I cried but only for a short moment because of her (you know who you are hahaha). Anyway, because of that moment, I realized that it is okay to break down. It is okay to let everyone see your true emotions because whatever happens, your friends will not judge you. They will accept you whatever it takes and I am grateful to have friends like that.
To be honest, I was so scared to face my professor. I was dreading the moment because I knew that there is a chance that she will get upset and give us a low grade or even a zero. Fortunately, she did not get angry at us. She said it was okay that we have nothing to show. It was okay. I was so relieved after hearing that, it was as if a huge stake was pulled off from my heart and in that moment, I realized that God is so good. I felt His presence. He did not let me go. I just felt so blessed and gracious because who would've thought that one of my professors whom I respected and was so scared of let me go alive.
Even though the day ended in a way that I did not planned, at least everything went well. I went home with a smile on my face and felt truly, truly blessed to have my friends and God at my side. It was one of the most memorable days of my life because all of my prayers were answered. I asked God not to let me go and He didn't. I wished for a good day and He gave me one. So, finally, I just want to say that things does not always happen the way we planned. It changes over time but one thing remains unscathed, God would hold on to us all the way and He will make sure that the day will end with smiles on our faces.