Finding Inspiration With a Blind Eye

Looking for me? Well, I have been also looking for myself during the one month blog drought that I experienced. Don't get me wrong. I co...

Looking for me? Well, I have been also looking for myself during the one month blog drought that I experienced. Don't get me wrong. I constantly open my account and stare at a blank page for minutes then began typing then deleting everything. Once again, I'm back at square one. Then, I resort to making more blogs. I created an account on Weebly and Wordpress. I set it up. I written on it but the same happened. I only look at a blank page. Then, I realized what was missing, what was lacking. It was inspiration.

There were three simple definitions for the word Inspiration according to Merriam-Webster:
(1) Something that makes someone want to do something or that gives someone an idea about what to do or create : a force or influence that inspires someone
(2) A person, place, experience, etc., that makes someone want to do or create something
(3) A good idea

All of which sounds so simple, so basic and so realistic. There are no colorful words attached to it. It was easy, or was it not? The thing with dealing with something so basic is that we tend to complicate it. For example, a simple Mathematical equation that can be dealt with a one-liner solution but, you expand it to an entire page full of solution only to find out that the answer is zero. Frustrating isn't it?

That's how I felt for that one month blog drought and I am still not completely sure that I am out of it. I've become so complicated with my blog, as well as on what or when I should write a post. I took this unrealistic pressure to write and post and have all of you read it in record time. Yeah, maybe that was the cause of my blog drought. Pressure. Unrealistic pressure. Pressure that does not even exist in the first place.

How to fight it? Most would say to find inspiration but, I won't say that. I've done that before, you know? I've opened my world to all opportunities and work and ventures so that I can find inspiration. It became my habit to say yes as much as possible. Then, look where it got me. A long month blog drought. I guess what I am trying to say is finding inspiration is a good thing. It opens your eyes and your mind and your heart to things and events and people that you are not accustomed to. However, it should not stop there.


Stop for a while and reflect. I've always kept a journal before but it just faded out due to lack of time and maybe, lack of interest. However, reflecting and thinking of what you're day/s meant is significant. It let you blur the uneventful and uninspiring things that occurred and focus on things that should be focused.

I may still be in a blog drought. I may even have a severe case of writer's block but, I won't stop trying. What I will do is to stop and untie the lifeless and soulless events that happens and see what should be seen upon. Don't look at the bigger picture. Look closer.

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